The potager is bursting with courgettes, they appear almost daily where there was no sign of any the day before. This clafoutis was created to make room in the wicker basket in the kitchen for another new harvest – and a happy creation it was. Sturdier than an omelette, lighter than a quiche, a savoury clafoutis sits somewhere in the middle. A light and creamy egg custard, sweet courgettes, slowly cooked onions and smokey bacon lardons. I love lemon zest and thyme with courgettes, so I added both, it lifts them somehow and gives them a light, freshness. We ate this with a green salad and fresh, crusty bread and a lovely glass of Loire Valley Chenin. It was a lovely lunch.
Serves 4
A little olive and butter
100g smoked bacon lardons
1 onion, finely sliced
A small bunch of thyme
1 courgette, sliced into half moons
4 eggs
100ml cream (I used one with 30% fat – UK whipping cream is the closest equivalent)
150ml milk
2 tbsp plain flour
100g parmesan, grated
Grated zest of 1 lemon
Salt and pepper
Pre-heat your oven to 180c/350F and butter two gratin dishes or one small baking dish.
In a large frying pan, fry off your lardons in a little bit of olive oil until crisp and golden. Add the sliced onions to the pan along with the thyme, and soften over a low heat until starting to turn a pale gold. Add your courgettes and season with a little salt and pepper.
Meanwhile whisk together the eggs, cream and milk with the flour, parmesan and some salt and pepper. Once the courgettes are soft and taking on some colour, grate over the lemon zest and stir through.
Share out the courgette mixture between the two dishes and pour over the egg custard. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes until puffed up and browned on top. The clafoutis will sink slightly as it cools. Eat hot or at room temperature. It reheats beautifully the next day too.